NeuStem™ Cell Helper

NeuStem™ Cell Helper

The New NeuStem™ Cell Helper Product is a 750 mg. 2 per day capsule that is more concentrated in Phycocyanin and also includes Beta Glucan and other important ingredients like Fulvic acid, Trimethylglycine, AFA, Vitamin C and Vitamin D. It will be sold in the network for $49.95 plus $6.95 S&H. For the next two months, on a prebuy basis, it will be marketed at $39.95 plus S&H of $6.95. That means you will wait until it's ready to ship...but by doing so, you will be the first to obtain it. We are doing a 1000 bottle run, so this could get sold out quickly. We consider Vita-Stim head and shoulders above anything else for stem cell nutrition. But the New NeuStem™ Cell Helper Product goes even beyond even that. It is not meant to replace Vita-Stim Concentrate, but rather to make available even more powerful options when needed.

**These statements have not been approved by the US Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease.


Have you ever wondered how cancer grows? Take a close look at the cancer cell division in this realistic 3D animation. Compare and contrast healthy animal cell division to unregulated cancer cell division side-by-side for a deeper understanding of cancer tumor growth. The animated daily timer provides a real-time update on the total number of daughter cells produced during healthy and cancer cell division. This multifaceted and visceral video communicates the aggressive nature of this disease and identifies unregulated cell division as the underlying mechanic of cancer.

What Are The Global Facts About Cancer?
According to estimates from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), there were 12.7 million new cancer cases in 2008 worldwide, of which 5.6 million occurred in economically developed countries and 7.1 million in economically developing countries. The corresponding estimates for total cancer deaths in 2008 were 7.6 million (about 21,000 cancer deaths a day), 2.8 million in economically developed countries and 4.8 million in economically developing countries. By 2030, the global burden is expected to grow to 21.4 million new cancer cases and 13.2 million cancer deaths simply due to the growth and aging of the population, as well as reductions in childhood mortality and deaths from infectious diseases in developing countries.
The estimated future burden could be much larger than given above due to the adoption of western lifestyles, such as smoking, poor diet, physical inactivity, and reproductive factors, in economically developing countries. Cancers related to these factors, such as lung, breast, and colorectal cancers, are increasing in economically transitioning countries. Rates of cancers common in Western countries will continue to rise in developing countries if preventive measures are not widely applied.

Still, more than half of all cancer cases and deaths worldwide are potentially preventable. Tobacco use, heavy use of alcohol, and obesity can be most effectively prevented through a combination of education and social policies that encourage healthy behaviors and discourage unhealthy practices.

The updated edition of the American Cancer Society’s Global Cancer Facts & Figures provides an overview of the international cancer burden, including the estimated numbers of new cancer cases and deaths worldwide and by level of economic development, as well as detailed information on select cancer sites.

Considerable more detail up to 2013 can be seen here:

This information was obtained from the American Cancer Society Global Cancer Facts & Figures publication and honors their copyright on their website: . Bottom line, this means a good deal of cancer to deal with!
**These statements have not been approved by the US Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease.

Veral Manly Aid

Testosterone is Vital For The Health of Any Man.
Perhaps more than any other hormone, testosterone defines who a man is and supports his well being. That's why it is so important for men to maintain healthy testosterone levels. The key ingredients in Veral Manly Aid by JDI International have been clinically shown to help do just that by boosting free testosterone levels.*
Boost Free Testosterone Naturally... and More!*
In a study of exercising men, those supplementing with the specific formulation of ingredients found in Veral Manly Aid experienced statistically significant increases in free testosterone (the most important form of testosterone which is available for immediate use by the body). Furthermore, those men also experienced increase in libido (sex drive), sexual frequency and sexual performance. They also found improvements in muscle support during workouts. Furthermore, the Tribulus Terrestris in Veral Manly Aid supports your body's ability to make energy - and who doesn't want that?*
Great At Any Age!
Whether you're in your twenties, your fifties or older, support your masculinity, your sexuality, your muscle mass and your energy metabolism with Veral Manly Aid by JDI. To find out more, click on the links up above or click the button below to try a bottle now.*

Infinity™ Plus Anti-Aging

Infinity™ Plus Anti-Aging Support is a special scientifically formulated product with added longevity features that we think is one of the most unique on the market. Adult stem cells have been proven to be the natural renewal system of the body coming from your own bone marrow depots. With aging, these adult stem cells decline in circulation. Just two capsules daily could help increase adult stem circulation based upon studies on its ingredients in the literature. These new circulating adult stem cells could translate into billions of new tissue cells. Such adult stem cells have the ability to create new skin tissue, new heart tissue, new pancreas tissue, new lung tissue and just about any other tissue your body requires.

It is feasible that each of these new tissue cells have telomeres that are longer than what they replaced. A decrease in such telomere length has been been proven to be associated with aging. To make this more understandable, telomeres are commonly likened to the plastic tips on shoelaces and protect chromosomes from damage and decrease each time a cell divides and replicates. The length of telomeres is directly linked to age. When we are born our telomeres are long, but they shorten with each cell cycle as cells continually divide. Telomere length is the nearest measure that science has ever found to determine lifespan in humans, horses, dogs and cats. It acts as an internal “hourglass” or “biological clock” for aging. So in addition to addressing circulating adult stem cells as explained above, our Infinity™ Plus product covers anti-aging mechanisms heretofore never addressed in a combination product. This includes added trace vitamins, minerals, RNA and DNA. It is for those who want that one notch above the Infinity Anti Aging product.


Key Ingredient L-Arginine
There are over 100,000 medically published clinical studies attesting to the fact that arginine will help lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol and triglycerides, improve diabetes, improve sexual function, reduce blood clots and strokes, improve congestive heart failure, improve wound healing, improve liver and kidney function, improve memory and cognitive functions,

increase human growth hormone (HGH), and much more.

1 - It is thousand times more powerful than any naturally occurring antioxidant in the body. Arginine's antioxidant properties support various body systems and may protect against heart disease, stroke, cancer, and diabetes, as well as slowing premature aging.

2 - It offers wide-ranging cardiovascular support, including controlling blood pressure and plaque formation. Nitric oxide keeps arteries relaxed and pliable for normal blood pressure, preventing hypertension and angina.

3 - It enhances memory, particularly long term memory, and may help to reverse the effects of dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

4 - It boosts human growth hormone (HGH) production which has anti-aging properties.

5 - It enhances communication of messenger cells between nerves and the brain.

6 - It may help improve immune function and fight bacterial infections.

7 - It may help in the treatment and prevention of diabetes since many disease complications including poor circulation and blindness, and vascular in nature. Arginine is also found to regulate insulin secretion in the pancreas.

8 - It may inhibit the division and proliferation of cancer cells.

9 - It may help with cholesterol control by lowering serum and LDL cholesterol levels.

10 - It enhances male sexual performance by treating vascular erectile dysfunction (ED).

11 - Its anticoagulant abilities reduce clotting to lower heart attack and stroke risk.

12 - It reduces pregnancy-related hypertension, a risk factor for both the expecting mother and the unborn child.

13 - It is useful in the treatment of asthma by opening pulmonary pathways for easier breathing and the treatment of lung disorders.

14 - It relaxes hypertonic sphincter muscles, preventing and healing hemorrhoids.

15 - It boost lean muscle mass and preserves bone density by encouraging HGH production which leads to a reduction in fatty tissue. Because of these properties, it may be useful in weight management and strength training.

16 - It can help offset cardiovascular and lung damage caused by tobacco use since nitric oxide levels in smokers are less than half of those found in non-smokers.

17 - It helps to accelerate wound healing and post surgery recovery. Research has shown its useful in treating burn wounds and stimulates wound healing in the elderly.

18 - It may be useful in enhancing athletic performance due to its ability to boost exercise tolerance, its beneficial effect on the lungs, and its effect on HGH levels, which helps with building lean muscle tissue.

19 - It may be used to improve the function of the prostate.

20 - It may prevent and possibly reverse the effects of osteoporosis by positively affecting bone mass.

21 - It has been used in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome and to reduce the occurrence of ulcers - especially stress-related - without affecting gastric acid production.

22 - It may improve renal function and slow the progression of renal disease and age-related chronic renal failure. Arginine's protective effect on the kidneys may also benefit those with diabetes.

JDI™ Three In One™ Miracle Serum™

Can provide immediate pain relief to sore joints and muscles Can be applied multiple times daily as required to sore areas Can invigorate scalp to stimulate hair follicles for growth Can decrease hair loss from splitting Can act as a grooming aid for hair and increase sheen Can refresh face upon application Can provide face with a firming tone Can be used for each purpose individually or all at same time No odor, No staining Easy to dispense No internal side effects as possible with ingested drugs
Prove To Yourself Why We Call It A MIRACLE SERUM!!!Only $14.95 plus shipping & handling delivered to your door.SATISFACTION GUARANTEED!
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Oxygenated Water

Oxygenated Water is water that is infused with oxygen. People who consume oxygenated water will get more oxygen into their bloodstream. This has a variety of health benefits for a variety of people. Not only is drinking oxygenated water a good idea for active people, it’s actually a good idea for everyone. From the time oxygenated water enters the mouth, oxygen begins to be absorbed into the body (into the bloodstream). This absorption continues all the way through the digestive system. Since there is nothing but water and oxygen, the body does not need to draw any energy from the body in order to process the drink. In fact, the body realizes a jump in energy because of the water and the oxygen.
So not only does oxygenated water help people while they are exercising, it also helps people feel better and be healthier. Oxygenated water is good for the body in the short term and in the long run.Doctors conclude there are many great benefits to drinking oxygenated water. These benefits include having more energy, being able to avoid cancer, and avoiding viruses, bacterial infections, and other pathogens.People who try Oxygen Waters, often just once, have an immediate response to it and never want to be without it. Many people claim astounding health benefits.
Oxygen Waters aids significantly in these processes : Oxygenation of blood cells Hydration of cells and tissues Transportation of nutrients throughout the body Detoxification and elimination of wastes Immune system activation and support Slowing the aging process Weight loss by promoting fat burning

EmergentO2 ™ Water Oxygenator comes in a 2 ounce squeeze bottle. It is $29.95 plus Shipping & Handling. We recommend 15 drops per glass of water. It comes out to 60 eight ounce glasses of water or 7.5 gallons. It can be used to enhance any beverage. We view it as the perfect portable answer to better water drinking needs. Click here to see what researchers have said about EmergentO2 ™ Oxygenator's ingredients.
Try a One Month Supply NOW for $29.95 plus Shipping & Handling. It is offered under a 100% Unconditional Satisfaction Guarantee that if you do not see or feel some result after taking this product for at least 30 days, you can receive a Full Refund, No Questions Asked..No Fine Print.

Hungarest® Diet & Energy Aid

Weight Loss Control Now!
Real breakthrough in weight loss control. Hungarest® Diet & Energy Aid works in your brain as well as your stomach to help you achieve the ultimate in weight loss but more importantly, keeping the weight from coming back!

Hungarest® Diet & Energy Aid is an all natural and scientifically formulated product that is so special it's patented and not duplicated anywhere else.

In order to control our weight loss we need to control our appetite and that's where Hungarest® Diet & Energy Aid comes in. Besides curbing and controlling your appetite Hungarest® Diet & Energy Aid will help reduce your stress and improve your mood, while giving you more energy.

Hungarest® Diet & Energy Aid is a supplement which you take twice daily, one half hour before your largest expected meals. Because it works on the brain as well as the stomach, your desire to eat more is diminished.

Hungarest® Diet & Energy Aid is guaranteed to do what it says. We stand fully behind it. If you are not satisfied we will refund your money in full* Simply send the remaining pills back in the bottle we send them in. That's it.

You have nothing to lose but your weight!

If you order Hungarest® Diet & Energy Aid today you will receive some Special Incentives that will put a smile on your face!

Anti-Aging and Body Repair Support**

Infinity™ Anti-Aging & Body Repair Support** Patented* and Patent Pending formula to support increased life span by enhancing metabolic function and activation of SIRT-1 anti-aging genes. Encourages the production of new cells with longer telomeres. This is important because as we age telomere length decreases. Likewise susceptibility to many degenerative diseases also increase as telomere length decreases. Telomere lengthening support is another new category of nutritional supplementation to aid in attaining maximum life span with the least possible debilitation in advancing years. This unique formula may also repair telomere shortening and decrease the rate of telomere shortening. ** (See notes below)Powerful 750 mg Capsules To be taken as two capsules daily for anti-aging and body repair support benefits. The Infinity™ Anti-Aging Formula contains the following:A Patented and Patent Pending Physician Formulated proprietary blend with ingredients that aid in the nourishing and production of increased adult stem cells in circulation. It is postulated these new adult stem cells can replace old cells with newer cells in our bodies that have longer telomeres on their chromosomes. A decrease in such telomere length has been associated with aging.Curcumin (95% standardized extract) The curcumin is a concentrated form of the beneficial curcumoids equivalent to eating up to two grams of the spice in each capsule. Health and anti-aging benefits for curcumin have been studied including mTOR inhibition.Silymarin works to stabilize liver cell membranes and act as an antioxidant to protect liver cells from free radical damage. It also helps regenerate healthy liver cells. Resveratrol (98% trans isomer) is believed to be a key ingredient to activate the SIRT-1 anti-aging gene.Astragalus polysaccharides possess an anti-aging effect related to its anti-oxidative properties.Astragalaside IV is believed to be a telomerase activator. The enzyme telomerase allows for replacement of short bits of DNA known as telomeres. L-Carnosine can oppose age related glycolation and appears to reduce telomere shortening rate.Vitamin C which increases the differentiating abilities of adult stem cells Vitamin D3 which provides a synergistic effect to the awakening of dormant adult stem cells in the bone marrow.Trimethylglycine (TMG) that acts as a digestion enhancer, methyl donor and helps rapid dispersion into the blood stream.•U. S. Patent Number 7,473,427 and other * patents pending. SIRT-1= Silent Information Regulator Type Gene; mTOR= mammalian target of rapamycin.

Vita-Stim™ Stem Cell Nutrition

Welcome To A New Health Breakthrough

Vita-Stim™ Stem Cell Nutrition
is an all-natural patented supplement that helps to increase the release of adult stem cells or what are also known as progenitor cells noted below. It is not to be confused with any other product that has less than 750 mg. of active ingredient per capsule and could consist of merely fruit extracts and/or simply Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA) extracts.

This is among the very 1st and we think the best supplement in the world to help you avoid the problems associated with embryonic stem cells received from a donor in the hospital environment.

Vita-Stim™ Stem Cell Nutrition is a premium patented combination of whole (AFA) and two distinct components that can be derived from AFA, also found in Arthrospira platensis (AP) and Phenylethylamine (PEA) complex. The literature documents the ability of AFA components to increase adult stem cells naturally from our own bone marrow just the way our body was designed. One study has shown an increase of up to 2,500,000 new adult stem cells in the circulation based on unidentified AFA biochemical components. In our patent we do reveal the constitution of our AFA components, and one in particular (Phycocyanin) has been shown to demonstrate the capacity, along with added polysaccharide, to influence the differentiation and proliferation of committed hematopoietic progenitor cells from the bone marrow. The second AFA component is further enhanced with Phenylethylamine (PEA) complex and has a concomitant well being effect. It has been proposed that a component of AFA can not have qualities that the whole AFA does not also have to some degree. Based upon our literature searches, ongoing studies, and consumer feedback, we have reason to believe our combination of whole AFA, added Phycocyanin from AFA and enriched AP components plus added PEA complex, along with higher strength capsules, will help to increase progenitor or adult stem cells naturally and create higher feelings of well being. Just how much of an increase is an individual response as the only studies done to date were done with healthy subjects. Results will vary upon each person’s current age, health condition and quantity ingested.

The more stem cells or “building blocks” we have available, the faster and better our organs can be repaired. Our overall health is strongly influenced by the continued availability of extra stem cells in our bodies. But as we age our natural stem cell count declines. Natural adult stem cells can migrate to damaged tissues and actually become a new heart cell, liver cell, pancreas cell or any type of tissue cell. They rapidly multiply and can become any kind of cell in a short time.

Vita-Stim™ Stem Cell Nutrition is not a drug; it does not contain anything toxic or synthetic to our bodies. It is a unique natural food supplement that supports your body’s natural renewal system.

TRY A ONE MONTH SUPPLY NOW For $39.95 Plus $5.95 Shipping & Handling. It is offered under a 100% Unconditional Satisfaction Guarantee that if you do not see or feel some result after taking this product for at least 30 days, you can receive a Full Refund, No Questions Asked and No Fine Print

JDI Multi Vitamins & Minerals

Why Multi Vitamins & Minerals

Vitamins for Chronic Disease Prevention in Adults - Clinical Applications. Robert H . Fletcher, MD,MSc; Kathleen M. Fairfield, MD,DrPH JAMA. 2002;287:3127-3129.

Vitamin deficiency syndromes such as scurvy and beriberi are uncommon in Western societies. However, suboptimal intake of some vitamins, above levels causing classic vitamin deficiency, is a risk factor for chronic diseases and common in the general population, especially the elderly. Suboptimal folic acid levels, along with suboptimal levels of vitamins B6 and B12, are a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, neural tube defects, and colon and breast cancer; low levels of vitamin D contribute to osteopenia and fractures; and low levels of the antioxidant vitamins (vitamins A, E, and C) may increase risk for several chronic diseases. Most people do not consume an optimal amount of all vitamins by diet alone. Pending strong evidence of effectiveness from randomized trials, it appears prudent for all adults to take vitamin supplements. The evidence base for tailoring the contents of multivitamins to specific characteristics of patients such as age, sex, and physical activity and for testing vitamin levels to guide specific supplementation practices is limited. Physicians should make specific efforts to learn about their patients' use of vitamins to ensure that they are taking vitamins they should, such as folate supplementation for women in the childbearing years, and avoiding dangerous practices such as high doses of vitamin A during pregnancy or massive doses of fat-soluble vitamins at any age.

Author Affiliations: Department of Ambulatory Care and Prevention, Harvard Medical School/Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, and Department of Epidemiology, Harvard School of Public Health (Dr Fletcher); Division of General Medicine and Primary Care, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and Channing Laboratory, Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School (Dr Fairfield), Boston, Mass.

Try a One Month Supply NOW For Only $29.95 plus $5.95 Shipping and Handling. It is offered under a 100% Unconditional Satisfaction Guarantee that if you do not see or feel some result after taking this product for at least 30 days, you can receive a Full Refund, No Questions Asked and No Fine Print.

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